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CUF President announces inaugural members of CUF Advisory Council

CUF leadership has recognized that we have individuals in Canada, Ukraine and other parts of the world who can be resources to CUF without formally joining its board. We have had guest members on some of our committees and this continues to this day. To build on our depth of understanding in the various areas of our program and project work, the CUF board recently approved the creation of an advisory council, to “provide strategic and other sector specific advice to the President, the Board, the Executive and other Board Committees of CUF on matters and areas of activity undertaken by CUF.” From time to time, we will announce new advisory council members to support CUF priorities.
Today, I am delighted to announce the inaugural members of the Canada-Ukraine Foundation Advisory Council. They are subject matter experts, leaders and influencers in their respective fields, and our board and committees look forward to acquiring guidance and inspiration in their areas of expertise, as well as augmenting our youth engagement and succession planning capabilities.

Education Advisory Council

Sergiy Kvit, an expert and a commentator on educational issues, currently is the Head of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and a professor of Kyiv-Mohyla School of Journalism. In 2002-07, he was a Dean of the Faculty of Social Studies Faculty at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. He founded the Kyiv-Mohyla School of Journalism in 2001 and became a President of the Media Reform Centre, set up to initiate open debate and promote more transparent media and government. In 2005-2011, he was a Chairman of the Consortium of University Autonomy. He has been rector (president) of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy from 2007 until 2014. Serhiy Kvit occupied the position of the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine in 2014-2016 when progressive Laws “On Higher Education” (2014) and “On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activity” (On Science and Research, 2015) were adopted. In 2015, Sergiy Kvit signed an agreement that allowed Ukrainian scientists and businesses to fully participate in Horizon 2020 (H2020), the European Union’s flagship research program. Dr. Kvit’s research focuses on educational and media reforms, mass communications, and philosophical hermeneutics; he has published several books and numerous articles. He has a Ph.D. from the Ukrainian Free University (Germany) and a doctorate in philology. He held Fulbright scholarship at Ohio University and Stanford University, Kennan Institute scholarship at the Woodrow Wilson International Centre in Washington, DC and a DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) scholarship at the University of Cologne.

Anna Novosad, served as Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine from August 2019 till March 2020. On her position managed to roll out systemic reform of higher education funding and governance, and successfully lobbied for endorsement of the new Law on general secondary education, which allowed to continue the general school reform. Prior to the Ministerial post Anna held different positions at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. At various times she served as a counsellor to the Minister, head of international relations and head of strategic planning and European integration, where she expanded the EU-Ukraine cooperation in science and education and accomplished the Ukraine’s association to the Horizon 2020 program. Anna joined the public service in 2014, after the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity. In 2019 was elected as a member of Ukrainian Parliament. Currently remains in education sector in expert role. Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary Program 2013 alumni. US State Department Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program fellow 2021-2022. Holds MA degree in Analyzing Europe from the Maastricht University, the Netherlands, and BA degree in Political Science from the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in Ukraine.

Healthcare Advisory Council

Dr. Oleh Antonyshyn is a Professor in the Division of Plastic Surgery at the University of Toronto, with a subspecialty practice in craniomaxillofacial surgery. He earned his medical degree from the University of Toronto in 1980, and completed his surgical residency at the University of Western Ontario in 1985. Following his certification in Plastic Surgery, he pursued an additional 4 years of subspecialty fellowship training in craniofacial surgery including a traveling fellowship in Europe and Mexico City. Dr Antonyshyn began his clinical practice in The Division of Plastic Surgery at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1989, where he established a pediatric and adult craniofacial program. In 1992, he assumed the position of Head, Division of Plastic Surgery, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, and in 1996, established the Adult Craniofacial Program to address the specific needs of adult patients with post-traumatic and post-ablative craniofacial deformities. Dr. Antonyshyn is an Associate Scientist, Imaging and Trauma Research at Sunnybrook Research Institute. His research focus is in 3D craniofacial computer assisted modeling and design. He is a cofounder and partner in a surgical device startup company called Calavera Surgical Design. Dr Antonyshyn is actively engaged in humanitarian surgery initiatives and global surgery education. April 2014, he travelled to Ukraine as part of a Medical Needs Assessment team to assess the capacity to manage trauma following Maidan. Since then, he has led 6 Canadian surgical missions to Ukraine, to teach and perform reconstructive procedures in both civilian and military war casualties. Feb 2016, he received the Order of Merit from the president of Ukraine, and Nov 2018, he was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal by the Governor General of Canada for his efforts. January 2019 Dr Antonyshyn launched the Sunnybrook Ukraine Surgery Education Partnership.

Youth Engagement Advisory Council

Roman Grod is the Past President of SUSK and the Vice President of the World Congress of Ukrainian Youth Organizations. Roman holds a degree in Economics from Wilfred Laurier University and is currently employed as the Lead Analyst, Canadian Markets at Rodan Energy Solutions a leading North American energy management company. Prior to his current role Roman served on the SUSK board of directors for 4 years, as Alumni Director, Treasurer, and for his last two years as President. Roman’s key highlights as president were the launch of SUSK Connect, global education on the current situation in Ukraine, continuing to grow the SUSK endowment, national Holodomor advocacy, creating a space for Ukrainian Students across the country to get involved and much more. In 2021 Roman was nominated as one of the top 30under30, which recognized emerging Ukrainian diaspora youth leaders under 30.

Community/Education News

Education Committee Update

It was another adventure for teachers in Canada working with their colleagues in Ukraine through Skype and ZOOM during the summer of 2020.  With their counterparts in Ukraine, the Canadian teachers continued their creation and update of professional development programs for teachers in Ukraine during the summer. 

Ukrainian-Canadian teachers, members of the Institute for Professional Development of Teachers with the Ukrainian World Congress, worked with partnered teachers in Ukraine to develop handbooks and other materials.      

In previous years, the Canadian teachers came to Ukraine to hold summer courses certified and added to a Ukrainian teacher’s qualifications. In 2019, as in prior years, the Canada-Ukraine Foundation made it financially possible for the Canadians to come to Ukraine. The Ukraine Boards of Education made it possible for all the local participants to be billeted and accommodated.  The CUF courses were held in Lviv and Mukachevo.

Participation included 20 schools from the Lviv district, five schools from the Lviv region, and 17 schools from the Mukachevo-Transcarpathian school district. Each school sent a team of educators that included the principal, vice-principal in charge of student guidance, an elementary teacher, a science teacher, a language and literature teacher, a foreign language teacher, a mathematics teacher, and a school psychologist. In addition to the school-based teams, educational specialists from the Center of Educational Studies in Lviv and the Mukachevo Council of Education, Youth and Sport attended the courses.

The Institute of Professional Development, based in Toronto, Canada, has been collaborating with the Department of Humanitarian Affairs and the Department of Education of the Lviv City Council for 26 years. In 2019, the Institute collaborated for the first time with the Mukachevo City Council in the Transcarpathian Oblast.

Canadian team members were:

Summer Institute Director:  Nadia Luciw –  Toronto

Principal’s course:  Bohdan Kolos –  Toronto

Vice-Principal’s course:  Christina Yurchuk – Toronto

Elementary panel:  Oksana Wynnyckyj-Yusypovych – Lviv / Toronto

Ukrainian Language and Literature: Sophia Berezowsky –  Toronto

School psychologists:  Melania Kovaluk – Ottawa

Science: Borislav Bilash II – New Jersey / Winnipeg

Foreign languages:  Iryna Perehinets – Toronto

Mathematics:   Christine Zeltway –  Toronto

The collaborative work goal was to prepare a new generation of teachers with a student-centred approach to teaching that fosters critical thinking and interactive, life-long creative learning.

During the first week of the Summer Institute in 2019, from July 1-5, 220 teachers and administrators from 25 schools from the Lviv region collaborated with their Canadian and Ukrainian colleagues and participated in workshops led by the Canadian and Ukrainian instructors.

In the second week of the Summer Institute, from July 8-12, 17 school-based teams, including 178 administrators, school psychologists and teachers from Mukachevo, participated in courses conducted by Canadian and Ukrainian educators. These courses focused on innovative learning materials that allowed the teams to develop school-based action plans that ensure the New Ukrainian School curriculum’s successful implementation.


Jaroslaw Zajszlyj Memorial Fund

This memorial fund was set up in 2016 by Irena Bell in memory of her father. The Fund annually awards a number of scholarships at the Lviv National Agrarian University (LNAU) to students nominated by the University. Lviv National Agrarian University is a coeducational non-profit polytechnic that offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees in several areas of study. Established in 1856, Lviv National Agrarian University (LNAU) is located in the town of Dubliany, Lviv Oblast.

Click here to donate


Kyiv Mohyla University Project – Naukma

After several years of initial efforts by the Friends of NAUKMA, CUF took over the management of all Canadian support for the Kyiv Mohyla Institute, now the National Kyiv-Mohyla University. Very significant funds have been directed over the years, to the development of this celebrated University. This support continues today.


Melania Kovaluk Memorial Fund Scholarships Project

This Memorial Fund, setup with CUF and USUF, privately funded by the descendants of the late Melania Kovaluk, provides yearly scholarships to about 8-13 high school graduates from Melania Kovaluk’s home village of Zabolotivtsi, who pursue studies at a higher level. It is managed out of Ottawa.

This type of fund is an excellent example of how a Canadian/American family or organization can, through CUF, provide very valuable, targeted assistance to selected groups or organizations in Ukraine.

It should be noted that this Fund is invested by CUF through the Taras Shevchenko Foundation’s very experienced and successful investment arm.

This type of fund is an excellent example of how a Canadian/American family or organization can, through CUF, provide very valuable, targeted assistance to selected groups or organizations in Ukraine.

It should be noted that this Fund is invested by CUF through the Taras Shevchenko Foundation’s very experienced and successful investment arm.

Допомога студентам в Україні.

Студенти Заболотівецької Основної Школи, Жидачівського району, Львівської області одержують допомогу із тривалого фонду ім.Меланії Денис-Ковалюк (фонд МК), створений із пожертв її шістьох дітей. Із відсотків вложеного капіталу, Фонд МК вручаєс типендії усім студентам, які поступають на вищі студії. Цей фонд адмініструє Канадсько-Українська Фундація (КУФ) при співпраці з Фундацією Україна-США (ФУСША). Студенти Львівської області, які вивчають українську історію, мову і літературу на ступені бакалявра, магістра і аспіранта, мають можливість податися на МК-ТК стипендію, створену Канадсько-Українською Фундацією, з пожертв внучки св.п.Меланії, Тані Ковалюк.

Цього року, вже 7-ий раз, у неділю 6 липня 2008р., в Заболотівецькій Основній Школі, з фонду МК відбулося вручання грамот і стипендій. 13-ьом стипендистам вручено по $300.-, на суму $3,900.-US. Цьогорічна висота стипендії збільшилася втричі в порівнанні з попередніми роками, завдяки жертвенним членам родини Ковалюк із США, Швеції і Канади, пожертви яких збільшили нерухому суму $26,000.- до $50,000.-Кан. Саме це уможливило КУФ вложити цю суму на вищий відсоток у Шевченківській Фундації в Канаді. Присутніми на цій святочній зустрічі, крім стипендистів і директора школи п.Ліди Денис, були представники бюро КУФ у Львові п.Ліда Андрушко і бюро ФУСША Петро Мавко. З Канади і США прибуло п’ять осіб із родини Ковалюк. Всі висловили бажання, щоб у майбутньому Заболотівчани чисельніше брали участь у підготовці і в остаточному вручанні стипендій заболотівецьким дітям. Така подія повинна вкорінитися в громаді, як вияв глибокого розуміння і вдячности жертводавцям, які шануючи покійну матір зробили таке достойне діло для її улюбленого села.

День перед врученням стипендій стипендистам із фонду МК, в суботу 5 липня 2008р., в приміщені Канадського Консульства у Львові, відбулося вручання грамот і стипендій успішним кандидатам стипендистам Фонду МК-ТК. Семи-членна Комісія, яку очолює директор бюро КУФ у Львові п.Ліда Андрушко, після співбесіди з кандидатами, призначила 11-тьом успішним кандидатам стипендії у межах від $160.- до $1000.-Кан., з повної пожертви $4000.-Кан.,.. Присутні на цій святочній події, крім почесного консула Канади у Львові п.Оксани Винницької і директора бюро КУФ у Львові п.Ліди Андрушко, були: член дирекції КУФ, проф.Роман Петришин із Едмонтону і член Комісії МК-ТК Володимир Полулях. Пані Оксана Винницька привітала присутніх і передала Ліді Андрушко переведення вручання грамот і стипендій. Перебіг подій фільмував 12-ий телевізийний канал, оператор Андрій Рожанський, а бесіду вела кореспондентка Христина Процак з кількома присутніми. На другий день 12-ий канал подав цікаво зредаговані бесіди і гарний репортаж у «Вістях». Перебіг вручання грамот і стипендій відбувався зорганізовано: вручали грамоту і конверту із точно приділеною сумою у гривнях, яку кожний стипендист потвердив своїм підписом. Відомість про це, яку суму одержав кожний стипендист, потвердили підписами три присутні особи. Тоді слідували індивідуальні знимки стипендистів, спільна знимка всіх присутніх і спільна знимка стипендистів. Скромним прийняттям із солодощами, водою із соком, та іншими присмаками закінчено гарно зорганізовану і приємну подію.

На обох вище згаданих прийняттях присутні мали можливість оглянути Книгу Фото-Альбом, над якою Богдан Ковалюк, адміністратор МК і МК-ТК фондів, працював понад сім років. Він пояснив присутнім, що ця книга послужить, у першу чергу кожному, хто зацікавлений створити подібний фонд, який матиме за ціль допомогти студентам почати і закінчити вищі студії з україністики в Україні. Книга має 282 сторінок, із яких понад 200 – це знимки з подій таких як: вручання стипендій від 2002 до 2008 року, посвячення святкової дошки св.п.Меланії Денис-Ковалюк, патрона МК фонду, знимки жертводавців, ініціяторів стипендійного фонду, і тих хто допоміг завершити діло, яке спершу виглядало неможливим,через розпорошення жертводавців у США, Швеції і Канаді. Цю книгу вручено пані Ліді Денис, для вжитку студентів і жителів села Заболотівці. Також один примірник цієї книги передано до бюро КУФ у Львові.

Богдан Ковалюк, адміністратор МК і МК-ТК фондів, КУФ, Оттава. 11 серпня 2008р.

M. Kovaluk Scholarships Recipients
M. Kovaluk Scholarship Recipients 2007
M. Kovaluk Memorial Scholarship Certificate

COSBILD Scholarship Fund To Ivan Franko University, Lviv

This Fund, set up by with CUF by COSBILD, a Toronto-based Investment Club, provides three yearly scholarships to students of Ivan Franko University in Lviv.

Originally, it provided support for the Faculty of Theatrical Studies at the same university. This type of fund is again an excellent example of how a Canadian/American family or organization can, through CUF, provide very valuable, targeted assistance to selected groups or organizations in Ukraine. This Fund is also invested by CUF through the Taras Shevchenko Foundations’s very experienced and successful investment arm.


Ukrainian Catholic Patriarchal Sobor in Kyiv

In July 2013, the Canada-Ukraine Foundation (CUF) was approached by 10 Ukrainian Canadian organizations to assist in raising funds within the Ukrainian Canadian community for the completion of the Ukrainian Catholic Patriarchal Sobor in Kyiv.

The Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ has become the ecclesiastical seat of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Ukraine. It is a much larger version of the Cathedral of St. Yur in Lviv, and represents a once-in-a-lifetime occasion for Canadian Ukrainians to become involved in the creation of an important holy place in Kyiv  The Cathedral was consecrated in September 2013, but it by no means complete in terms of ecclesiastical finishes of the interior. CUF, together with the 10 organizations, has raised over $130,000 to date.  It is expected that once the interior ikons, glass windows and iconostas are planned and costed, that substantial funds will need to be raised from individual donors and their families for these unique items.