Holodomor National Awareness Tour News


Seven years ago, the Holodomor National Awareness Tour took flight in Canada creating awareness about the Holodomor teaching Canadians, young and old, on board its digitally interactive Holodomor Mobile Classroom.  From idea concept, to design, through build, to execution and the development of applications that run our on-board and on-line lessons, we have taken Holodomor awareness to a new level never envisioned before.  Teaching about the past to prevent the reoccurrence of tragic events such as the Holodomor genocide, is what our youth, our future leaders, need to know.  They need to understand that totalitarian regimes such as those of former USSR leader Joseph Stalin do not make for a utopian world, but a world of oppression, discrimination, hatred, and racism that do not have a place is our global society.  HNAT’s goal is just that – to teach about such events in a way that engages students and helps them understand that their voice matters in creating a just and civil society.

Through the course of our travels over the last 6 years we have:

  • travelled across Canada, from Victoria, BC to Sydney, NS and as far north as Slave Lake, AB engaging over 62,770 students and the public about the Holodomor, visiting over 460 Canadian schools, teaching 1,488 individual class lessons.
  • Had 40,032 students and educators take part in one of our 4 lessons including an online lesson for students developed during the COVID pandemic.
  • Attended 260 public events across Canada, engaging over 22,700 visitors with the Tour’s materials on the Holodomor.
  • The HMC and the developers of the interactive lessons, Forge Media + Design have won 3 prestigious awards: Golden A’ Design Award 2017 (Lake Como, Italy), Gold at the DSE (Digital Signage Expo) 2018 APEX Awards (Las Vegas, NV), and Gold at the Indigo Design Award 2018 (the Netherlands).
  • Produced 7 educational videos, and one award-winning documentary film on the Holodomor, which are used in classrooms and on the HMC while at community events.

Our work is not done.  There are many miles left to travel across Canada to ensure that every Canadian knows about the Holodomor genocide and the devastation it caused, not just in 1932-1933, but about the intergenerational trauma that continues today.  Your financial support for our project will ensure that the memory of all the victims of the Holodomor is never forgotten.

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